Monday, September 26, 2005

i need justification

i was beaten up by my bro last nite.

dis bro of mine is 2 yrs my senior, cancerian, never attached. he stays home all day playing computer games and watching porno whenever he aint working. he's a fucking bastard who makes it a point to smash your ego whenever you pass by him, by a mere glare from the corner of his evil eyes.

last nite, bastard strangled me till he broke my beloved pearl necklace, punched me in the head till i was thrown fiercely onto the icy marble floor. before i could even gasp one puff of air, he kicked me in my back like a dog. an intense pang of pain pierced through my chest and stomach. the lingering pain that caused me to scream my lungs out. the scream of deja vu. i shot a look at the fucking bitch who caused me the agony and the lack of expression made me shudder with sadness. bastard knew he had an edge over me and tried to kick me a second time but the worthless whore found her conscience and tried to shield me. now was her turn to get shoved onto the floor with a bloody loud thud. serves you right bitch.

unfortunately, the bastard's mother was unharmed (and in fact, is now happily feeding her beastly son as usual). curse the heaven for being unjust!

life is not beautiful

u will get ur own retribution.

the cursing starts from now.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

i hate rationality

feel damn fucked up now.
but can't vent on anything or anyone.
my rational side taking over me.
i hate it when i feel lost.


is it an illusion?
what is happening?
i need guidance.
where are u mag?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


did wei lian sing badly deliberately cos he wanted to get 2nd??
